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作者:   来源:      发布日期:2019-01-07   浏览:

我院潘湛昌教授课题组用溶剂热法合成具有均一形貌多孔氮化钛纳米管,负载高分散的铂,进行了甲醇电催化氧化和氧电催化还原,与碳材料为载体相比,具有高的电催化活性和稳定性;合成了具有较高比表面积的二元氮化钴钛纳米颗粒。可控合成氮化钒钛和氮化钴钛等二元氮化物纳米管等。2014年以来,在J.MATER. CHEM.A、J. POWER SOURCES、ELECTROCHIM.ACTA、等SCI期刊上发表了16篇研究论文,授权发明专利1件。


图2 商用Pt/C(JM)和Pt/TiNNTs经过不同圈数ADT测试的CV曲线,电化学活性比表面积损失对比

[1]Non-carbon 1D mesoporous titanium vanadium nitride as supports of Pt nanoparticles for methanol electrooxidation.Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 259: 1162-1169.

[2]Research on a novel Ni-doped TiN modified N-doped CNTs supported Pt catalysts and their synergistic effect for methanol electrooxidation,International Journal of hydrogen energy43(2018)22519-22528

[3] The effect of titanium nickel nitride decorated carbon nanotubes-r立博博彩ced graphene oxide hybrid support for methanol oxidation,Applied Surface Science, 2017, 410:70–78.

[4] Platinum nanoparticles decorated robust binary transition metal nitride carbon nanotubes hybrid as an efficient electrocatalyst for the methanol oxidation reaction,Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 326:84–92

[5]Titanium cobalt nitride supported platinum catalyst with high activity and stability for oxygen r立博博彩ction reaction.Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 284: 296-304.

[6] Hollow and porous titanium nitride nanotubes as high-performance catalyst supports for oxygen r立博博彩ction reaction,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 34: 13966-13975.

[7]Robust non-carbon titanium nitride nanotubes supported Pt catalyst with enhanced catalytic activity and durability for methanol oxidation reaction,Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 144: 279-285.
