以余林教授为负责人的广东省高等学校清洁化学技术重点实验室在过渡金属氧(硫)化物的可控制备及其应用取得进展。2018年至今,在Chemical engineering journal, Electrochimica Acta, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Ceramics International, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Colloids and Surfaces A, Particuology等期刊发表10篇论文。
发表在Chemical engineering journal(化工四大期刊之一)题为“Enhanced catalytic performance by oxygen vacancy and active interface originated from facile r立博博彩ction of OMS-2”(第一作者:孙明副教授,通讯作者余林教授)的文章重点关注MnO2的氧空位和活性界面的调控,采用还原剂处理MnO2,创造出更多的氧空位和活性界面,从而有效提高了催化剂的催化燃烧性能。论文发表至今,已经引用8次。

发表在Electrochimica Acta的题为“The art of balance: Engineering of structure defects and electrical conductivity of α-MnO2for oxygen r立博博彩ction reaction”(第一作者:蓝邦博士生;通讯作者余林教授)重点关注电催化材料的缺陷和导电性的平衡问题。最近2年,氧缺陷的调控成为电催化领域的热点,但是对于性能优异的电催化剂,缺陷固然重要,导电性同样不可忽略,我们以MnO2为例的研究结果表明,当缺陷增多时,由于对晶体结构的破坏,其导电性会降低,从而对其性能带来负面影响,因此只有当二者之间存在平衡时,其氧还原性能才达到最优。

异质结构材料在催化或者电催化领域扮演重要的角色。发表在Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers的题为“Controllable synthesis 3D hierarchical structured MnO2@NiCo2O4and its morphology-dependent activity”文章(第一作者:孙明副教授,通讯作者余林教授),以氧化锰纳米线为基底,可控合成了两种形貌的异质复合材料,考察了形貌依赖的催化燃烧性能。

氧化锰的晶型控制和转化是氧化锰制备领域的基础问题。发表在Journal of Solid State Chemistry题为Controlled synthesis of tunnel-structured MnO2through hydrothermal transformation of δ-MnO2and their catalytic combustion of dimethyl ether的文章(第一作者:何彬彬研究生;通讯作者:余林教授),研究了层状氧化锰和两种隧道状氧化锰之间的转化及其催化燃烧性能。

发表在Applied surface science上题为“3D hierarchical structures MnO2/C: A highly efficient catalyst for purification of volatile organic compounds with visible light irradiation”的文章(第一作者:周俊丽讲师;通讯作者:余林教授)可控制备了碳包覆的ε-MnO2并研究了其在可见光作用下气相降解甲苯的性能,为室温光催化降解VOCs提供了有益借鉴。

汽车尾气催化剂要求载体在严酷的工况下仍保持较高的表面积,这一直是催化剂研究的难点。发表在Journal of Nanoparticle Research,题为“A composite material with CeO2-ZrO2nanocrystallines embedded in SiO2matrices and its enhanced thermal stability and oxygen storage capacity”的文章(第一作者:杨润农博士生;通讯作者:余林教授)采取SiO2改性传统Ce-Zr固溶体,使之经过1000度老化,仍保持165 m2/g的比表面积和468 μmol/g的储氧能力,显示出较佳的催化剂载体潜力。
[1]M. Sun(孙明), B. Lan, T. Lin, G. Cheng, F. Ye,L. Yu*(余林), X. Cheng, X. Zheng, Controlled synthesis of nanostructured manganese oxide: crystalline evolution and catalytic activities, CrystEngComm, 15 (2013) 7010. 69次引用.
[2] M. Sun(孙明),L. Yu*(余林), F. Ye, G.Q. Diao, Q. Yu, Z.F. Hao, Y.Y. Zheng, L.X. Yuan, Transition metal doped cryptomelane-type manganese oxide for low-temperature catalytic combustion of dimethyl ether, Chem. Eng. J., 220 (2013) 320-327.42次引用.
[3] J. Zhou(周俊丽),L. Yu*(余林), M. Sun, S. Yang, F. Ye, J. He, Z. Hao, Novel Synthesis of Birnessite-Type MnO2Nanostructure for Water Treatment and Electrochemical Capacitor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (2013) 9586-9593.40次引用
[4] X. Su(苏晓辉),L. Yu*(余林), G. Cheng, H. Zhang, M. Sun, L. Zhang, J. Zhang, Controllable hydrothermal synthesis of Cu-doped δ-MnO2films with different morphologies for energy storage and conversion using supercapacitors, Applied Energy, 134 (2014) 439-445.40次引用
[5] F. Deng(邓芳泽),L. Yu*(余林), G. Cheng, T. Lin, M. Sun, F. Ye, Y. Li, Synthesis of ultrathin mesoporous NiCo2O4nanosheets on carbon fiber paper as integrated high-performance electrodes for supercapacitors, J. Power Sources, 251 (2014) 202-207.87次引用.
[6] M. Sun(孙明), J. Tie, G. Cheng, T. Lin, S. Peng, F. Deng, F. Ye,L. Yu*(余林)In situ growth of burl-like nickel cobalt sulfide on carbon fibers as high-performance supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3 (2015) 1730-1736.100次引用,ESI高被引论文.